So last night, I went to be early. EARLY. Like... 10 pm. Which for me, is practically the afternoon. I am a total night owl. I do my best work at 1 am. But I''m trying something new - instead of going to bed at 3 and dragging myself out of bed at 8, I thought I'd go to bed at 10 and drag myself out of bed at 4. Or 5. or 6. 6 worked. But it wasn't easy. It was 7:30 before I felt awake (and I'm still feeling a little fuzzy, thank you very much, at 8:15). I've gotten no work done. So in essence, I basically lost a night of productive work instead of gaining it.
How do you morning people do it? Do you mainline coffee first thing? Do you hit the ground running and go for a jog or something equally painful? Is anyone creative at 7 am (STARTING at 7 am, not coming around from the night before). I just don't get how that works. You people are a strange and exotic species to me.
So... I *was* going to talk about photography and this really cool new client who came in. And had I been writing this at 1 am, I would have been witty and brilliant and talked all about how much fun she was (and how nice she was when I kept renaming her husband, who STILL reminds me of a guy named Chip). But it's early. And I'm not really functioning yet. And it's all the fault of you morning people who make this getting-up-early thing look easy. So instead, you just get to see how pretty she is. (I think that's a fair trade-off, don't you?)
Still pretty witty even for an "off" hour for you!
Dude, try being a night owl and a morning person! It's a curse.
I am dying here. Yes, for a lack of feeling awake, you certainly made yourself clear. This was hilarious.
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