Today was a fantastic maternity session. And about 15 minutes into it, I got this song stuck in my head. And now I can't stop thinking about it. Thus is the legacy of Schoolhouse Rock. I loved Schoolhouse Rock. And really, not even in the past tense. I bought the complete DVD collection and got my kids hooked on it. too. I loved Bill (from Capitol Hill) and Lolly (who was obsessed with adverbs), but that was nothing to how obsessed I have been with the number three today. It is, after all, the magic number.

And today, I photographed 3. (Well, three and a half. Soon to be 4.) And yesterday there were three. Three is good.

I'm so far behind in posting images. I wish I could post them all. But there is good news ahead! I actually AM almost done with getting the website running. I know, I know, I've been promising it forever. But now the structure is there, we're fine-tuning it, and I'm about to start uploading images. Whoo hoo! What prompted this sudden return to web-sitedness? (I know, it's not a REAL word, but it works for me.) One might think it was the constant, and never-ending harassment of Michael, my site designer. Or the fact that Stephanie has been talking to Michael behind my back, working up a plan for them to do my site without any input from me (which, honestly, would have been a pretty good site, I'm sure!) Or that Barbi, a photographer I have worked with for a REALLY long time, recently told me that in all the time she's known me, I haven't actually had a website, just a blog and a "check back soon" site. That was a little embarrassing, I'll admit. But really, it wasn't that either.
So what was it? Well, honestly, it was shiny objects. I kept seeing other websites and thought, wow, I want one of those! (You know all the stuff they have at the counter for impulse shoppers? They should have my name on them. I am the reason they sell Diet Coke, Chapstick, and nail clippers at the counter.) Speaking of which, I could really go for a diet coke right now. I have to say, now that my kids are older, I am really starting to miss one of my favorite perks of pregnancy - the willingness of your husband to go out at 1 am for a Slurpee. I just asked. I didn't actually see him roll his eyes as he said, "no", but I felt it all the same. See? Shiny object.
But backto the website - don't check it now. Give me a few days. (Yeah, like you haven't heard THAT one before.) It would have actually been done by now, but, um, er, let's just say I blame Apple and my AmEx points. Together, they have conspired to get me addicted to playing games on my shiny new iPod. I fought the battle and lost.
Until then, enjoy these pics. They are from the last two weeks. There are more, and I'll post them soon.