Saturday, May 23, 2009

Three is the magic number....

Today was a fantastic maternity session. And about 15 minutes into it, I got this song stuck in my head. And now I can't stop thinking about it. Thus is the legacy of Schoolhouse Rock. I loved Schoolhouse Rock. And really, not even in the past tense. I bought the complete DVD collection and got my kids hooked on it. too. I loved Bill (from Capitol Hill) and Lolly (who was obsessed with adverbs), but that was nothing to how obsessed I have been with the number three today. It is, after all, the magic number.

And today, I photographed 3. (Well, three and a half. Soon to be 4.) And yesterday there were three. Three is good.

I'm so far behind in posting images. I wish I could post them all. But there is good news ahead! I actually AM almost done with getting the website running. I know, I know, I've been promising it forever. But now the structure is there, we're fine-tuning it, and I'm about to start uploading images. Whoo hoo! What prompted this sudden return to web-sitedness? (I know, it's not a REAL word, but it works for me.) One might think it was the constant, and never-ending harassment of Michael, my site designer. Or the fact that Stephanie has been talking to Michael behind my back, working up a plan for them to do my site without any input from me (which, honestly, would have been a pretty good site, I'm sure!) Or that Barbi, a photographer I have worked with for a REALLY long time, recently told me that in all the time she's known me, I haven't actually had a website, just a blog and a "check back soon" site. That was a little embarrassing, I'll admit. But really, it wasn't that either.

So what was it? Well, honestly, it was shiny objects. I kept seeing other websites and thought, wow, I want one of those! (You know all the stuff they have at the counter for impulse shoppers? They should have my name on them. I am the reason they sell Diet Coke, Chapstick, and nail clippers at the counter.) Speaking of which, I could really go for a diet coke right now. I have to say, now that my kids are older, I am really starting to miss one of my favorite perks of pregnancy - the willingness of your husband to go out at 1 am for a Slurpee. I just asked. I didn't actually see him roll his eyes as he said, "no", but I felt it all the same. See? Shiny object.

But backto the website - don't check it now. Give me a few days. (Yeah, like you haven't heard THAT one before.) It would have actually been done by now, but, um, er, let's just say I blame Apple and my AmEx points. Together, they have conspired to get me addicted to playing games on my shiny new iPod. I fought the battle and lost.

Until then, enjoy these pics. They are from the last two weeks. There are more, and I'll post them soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

vote for me! vote for me!!!

So apparently, I'm in a contest.  I had no idea until a friend of mine pointed it out.  It's the Nickelodeon's Parents' Picks awards, and I'm up for best local family photographer.  How cool is that??  And just in case I don't win, I'd like to say, It's an honor just to be nominated.  (But really, I REALLY want to win!!  :)  )

So, um, if you happen to think I'm pretty good and would like to send a vote or two my way, please do!  Here's the link:  Vote For me!!