Let's get past the tragedy that finding the body of anyone entails (because if I think about that part for more than a few seconds, my head wants to explode), and go back to the Wonder Woman part. Linda Carter is an accomplished, professional woman who has spent the last 29 years NOT being Wonder Woman (yep - since 1979, although technically, I'm sure she did some promo stuff for a while after, but lets not muddy up my point with actual facts). She was Wonder Woman from 1975-1979 and has had 32 role since then (thank you IMDB!), in addition to doing all sorts of other things (sorry, other than that thing with Robert Altman, I haven't really kept up with her). But she's still referred to first and foremost as Wonder Woman. And I'm wondering...do you think she minds? I mean, really, deep down? I don't know if I would or not, to be honest. I think that it's hard when you're stuck with an identity forever. I know that when I go home to visit, I immediately go back to being that gawky weird girl from high school (and honestly, I don't know if I really WAS that girl, but that is how I felt, so to me, I was that girl). I know that no matter what persona I try to project, I know that there are a few hundred people who only know me as who I was way back then. And I'm not that girl anymore, or at least, I don't think I am. But what if that persona, that person you were 25 years ago, what if she's kinda cool? I mean, Wonder Woman - really - kinda cool. Still. So do you think that she's happy that people think of her as only this cool hot chick with a wicked set of bracelets, or do you think she's constantly saying, "My name is
I was just wondering.
So anyway, today, two of my bar-none, absolutely favorite clients came in for their babies six-month sessions. I swear, next time I'm going to have them both come at the same time, and then we can all talk for hours. I am positive they'd love each other. Here is a quickie from each session: