Age 24: shower at 9 pm

Age 40: kids bath at 9pm
Age 24: 9:30 pm telling stories to the cute guy next to you
Age 40: 9:30 pm telling stories to the cute kid next to you
Age 24: having a drink at 11
Age 40: six year old wakes up and needs a drink at 11
Age 24: Midnight, just figuring out what to do next - The Tombs or Mr. Days
Age 40: Midnight, figuring out what do to next - file some paperwork or fold laundry
Age 24: 2 am - woozy, need to go to bed
Age 40: 2 am - woozy, need to go to bed
Age 24: 7 am - hitting the snooze alarm 20 times before getting up for work, swearing you'll go to bed earlier that night.
Age 40: 7 am - hitting the snooze alarm 20 times before getting up to get the kids to school, swearing you'll go to bed earlier that night.
My life hasn't changed all that much.
Well, except that the job I had at 24 was NOT the one I wanted. It was the one I did while I did all the stuff to get the job I wanted (did you follow that? Job at 24: blech. Job at 40: sweet!)
So, about that job... want to see what I did at work today? Because I want to show you.
The first session was a 4 month session of the cutest little guy. They came in for his newborn session and I LOVED them. And I swear, it's not because they went to Starbucks on the way. (That does help, by the way.) And today was just as good. Great family - so much fun to work with. We only stopped because their wee beastie was done with me. I borrowed the giant teacup from a friend, and I'm really hoping she forgot she lent it to me, because it was pretty fun. (And no, this is not the size of the coffee I require to get started in the morning, har har.) The family pic is my new favorite family shot. And it wasn't even my idea! The mom came up with the whole thing. It was fantastic! :)

My second client of the day was a maternity session. And again, they were SO much fun! I don't know how I've managed to do this, but it seems like every person who has walked through my door this year has been someone I would want to hang out with all day long. And in this case, 'all day' was three hours plus... and I still didn't want them to leave. Half the time, I keep shooting just because we're having fun and I don't want it to end.
I love how she looks in these. I hope they do, too.

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